replace current config with default 3.6 config

Pascal 2 weeks ago
parent bce0eb7709
commit be6478dcf0
  1. 159

@ -2,66 +2,74 @@
// To change settings create a config.php
// To change or overwrite some settings, create a config.php
return [
// MySQL-Connection Settings
'database' => [
'host' => env('MYSQL_HOST', (env('CI', false) ? 'mariadb' : 'localhost')),
'driver' => env('MYSQL_TYPE', 'mysql'), // mysql or mariadb
'host' => env('MYSQL_HOST', 'localhost'),
'database' => env('MYSQL_DATABASE', 'engelsystem'),
'username' => env('MYSQL_USER', 'root'),
'password' => env('MYSQL_PASSWORD', ''),
'password' => env_secret('MYSQL_PASSWORD', ''),
// For accessing /metrics (and /stats)
'api_key' => env('API_KEY', ''),
// Enable maintenance mode (show a static page)
// Enable maintenance mode (show a static page to all users)
'maintenance' => (bool) env('MAINTENANCE', false),
// Application name (not the event name)
'app_name' => env('APP_NAME', 'Elfensystem'),
'app_name' => env('APP_NAME', 'Engelsystem'),
// Set to development to enable debugging messages
'environment' => env('ENVIRONMENT', 'production'),
// Application URL and base path to use instead of the auto-detected one
'url' => env('APP_URL', null),
'url' => env('APP_URL'),
// Header links
// Available link placeholders: %lang%
// To disable a header_item in the config.php, you can set its value to null
// To disable a header_item in config.php, you can set its value to null
'header_items' => [
// Name can be a translation string, permission is a engelsystem privilege
// Name can be a translation string, permission is an engelsystem privilege
// 'Name' => 'URL',
// 'Name' => ['URL', 'permission'],
// 'some.key' => ['URL', 'permission'],
//'Foo' => ['', 'logout'], // Permission: for logged-in users
// Footer links
// To disable a footer item in the config.php, you can set its value to null
// To disable a footer item in config.php, you can set its value to null
'footer_items' => [
// Name can be a translation string, permission is a engelsystem privilege
// 'Name' => 'URL',
// 'Name' => ['URL', 'permission'],
// 'some.key' => ['URL', 'permission'],
// URL to the angel faq and job description
// URL to faq page
'faq.faq' => [env('FAQ_URL', '/faq'), 'faq.view'],
// Contact email address, linked on every page
// 'Contact' => env('CONTACT_EMAIL', ''),
'Contact' => env('CONTACT_EMAIL', ''),
// Other ways to ask the heaven
// Multiple contact options / links are possible, analogue to footer_items
'contact_options' => [
// E-mail address
'' => env('CONTACT_EMAIL', ''),
// Text displayed on the FAQ page, rendered as markdown
'faq_text' => env('FAQ_TEXT', null),
// Additional text displayed on the FAQ page, rendered as markdown
'faq_text' => env('FAQ_TEXT'),
// Link to documentation/help
'documentation_url' => env('DOCUMENTATION_URL', ''),
// Email config
'email' => [
// Can be mail, smtp, sendmail or log or an symfony mailer dsn string like smtps://[usr]:[pass]
// Can be mail, smtp, sendmail, log or an symfony mailer dsn string like smtps://[usr]:[pass]
'driver' => env('MAIL_DRIVER', 'mail'),
'from' => [
// From address of all emails
@ -71,19 +79,23 @@ return [
'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', 'localhost'),
'port' => env('MAIL_PORT', 587),
// If tls transport encryption should be used
'tls' => env('MAIL_TLS', null),
// If tls transport encryption should be enabled
'tls' => env('MAIL_TLS'),
'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'),
'password' => env_secret('MAIL_PASSWORD'),
'sendmail' => env('MAIL_SENDMAIL', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs'),
# Your privacy@ contact address
'privacy_email' => env('PRIVACY_EMAIL', null),
// Your privacy@ contact address
'privacy_email' => env('PRIVACY_EMAIL'),
// Show opt-in on user profile and registration pages to save some personal data after the event
'enable_email_goodie' => (bool) env('ENABLE_EMAIL_GOODIE', false),
// Initial admin password
'setup_admin_password' => env('SETUP_ADMIN_PASSWORD', null),
// Initial admin password, configured on first migration
'setup_admin_password' => env_secret('SETUP_ADMIN_PASSWORD'),
// Setup external authentication providers
'oauth' => [
// '[name]' => [config]
@ -131,19 +143,24 @@ return [
'groups' => 'groups',
// Groups to team (angeltype) mapping (optional)
'teams' => [
'/Lorem' => 4, // 4 being the ID of the angeltype
'/Foo Mod' => ['id' => 5, 'supporter' => true], // 5 being the ID of the angeltype
'/Lorem' => 4, // 4 being the ID of the team (angeltype)
'/Foo Mod' => ['id' => 5, 'supporter' => true], // 5 being the ID of the team (angeltype)
// Default theme, 1=style1.css
'theme' => env('THEME', 17),
// Default theme, 1 = theme1.scss etc.
'theme' => env('THEME', 1),
// Supported themes
// To disable a theme in the config.php, you can set its value to null
// To disable a theme in config.php, you can set its value to null
'themes' => [
18 => [
'name' => 'Engelsystem 38c3 (2024) - Lila, Lachs und Kurven',
'type' => 'dark',
'navbar_classes' => 'navbar-dark',
17 => [
'name' => 'Engelsystem 37c3 (2023)',
'type' => 'dark',
@ -236,7 +253,7 @@ return [
// Redirect to this site after logging in or when pressing the top-left button
// Redirect to this site after logging in or when clicking the page name
// Must be one of news, meetings, user_shifts, angeltypes, questions
'home_site' => env('HOME_SITE', 'news'),
@ -246,85 +263,96 @@ return [
// Users are able to sign up
'registration_enabled' => (bool) env('REGISTRATION_ENABLED', true),
// URL to external registration page, linked from login page
'external_registration_url' => env('EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION_URL'),
// Required user fields
'required_user_fields' => [
'pronoun' => (bool) env('PRONOUN_REQUIRED', false),
'firstname' => (bool) env('FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED', false),
'lastname' => (bool) env('LASTNAME_REQUIRED', false),
'tshirt_size' => (bool) env('TSHIRT_SIZE_REQUIRED', false),
'tshirt_size' => (bool) env('TSHIRT_SIZE_REQUIRED', true),
'mobile' => (bool) env('MOBILE_REQUIRED', false),
'dect' => (bool) env('DECT_REQUIRED', false),
// Only arrived angels can sign up for shifts
// Only arrived users can sign up for shifts
'signup_requires_arrival' => (bool) env('SIGNUP_REQUIRES_ARRIVAL', false),
// Whether newly-registered user should automatically be marked as arrived
'autoarrive' => (bool) env('ANGEL_AUTOARRIVE', true),
// Whether newly-registered users should automatically be marked as arrived
'autoarrive' => (bool) env('AUTOARRIVE', false),
// Supporters of a team (angeltype) can promote other users of the team (angeltype) to supporter
'supporters_can_promote' => (bool) env('SUPPORTERS_CAN_PROMOTE', false),
// Only allow shift signup this number of hours in advance
// Setting this to 0 disables the feature
'signup_advance_hours' => env('SIGNUP_ADVANCE_HOURS', 0),
// Allow signup this many minutes after the start of the shift.
// If signup_post_fraction is set, first applies that before adding the number of minutes specified by this.
// If signup_post_fraction is set, it's first applied before adding the number of minutes specified here.
'signup_post_minutes' => env('SIGNUP_POST_MINUTES', 0),
// Allow signup this fraction of the shift length after the start of the shift.
// Example: If this is set to 1, signup is allowed until the end of a shift
// If this is set to 0.5, signup is allowd for the first half of a shift
// If signup_post_minutes is set, first applies this and then adds the signup_post_minutes on top.
// Example: If it is set to 1, signup is allowed until the end of a shift
// If it is set to 0.5, signup is allowed for the first half of a shift
// If signup_post_minutes is set, this is first applied and then the signup_post_minutes added on top.
'signup_post_fraction' => env('SIGNUP_POST_FRACTION', 0),
// Number of hours that an angel has to sign out own shifts
// Number of hours that a user can sign out of own shifts beforehand
'last_unsubscribe' => env('LAST_UNSUBSCRIBE', 3),
// Define the algorithm to use for `password_verify()`
// If the user uses an old algorithm the password will be converted to the new format
// If a user password is hashed with an old algorithm, the password will be converted to the new format on login
// See for a complete list
'password_algorithm' => env('PASSWORD_ALGORITHM', PASSWORD_DEFAULT),
// The minimum length for passwords
'min_password_length' => env('PASSWORD_MINIMUM_LENGTH', 8),
'password_min_length' => env('PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH', 8),
// Whether the Password field should be enabled on registration.
// This is useful when using oauth, disabling it also disables normal
// registration without oauth.
// Whether the login and registration via password should be enabled (login will be hidden if false)
// This is useful when using oauth, disabling it also disables normal registration without oauth
'enable_password' => (bool) env('ENABLE_PASSWORD', true),
// Whether the DECT field should be enabled
'enable_dect' => (bool) env('ENABLE_DECT', true),
// Whether the mobile number can be shown to other users
// Whether the mobile number will be shown to other users
'enable_mobile_show' => (bool) env('ENABLE_MOBILE_SHOW', false),
// Regular expression describing a FALSE username.
// Per default usernames must only contain alphanumeric chars, "-", "_" or ".".
'username_regex' => (string) env('USERNAME_REGEX', '/([^\p{L}\p{N}_.-]+)/ui'),
// Enables first name and last name
'enable_user_name' => (bool) env('ENABLE_USER_NAME', false),
// Enable first name and last name
'enable_full_name' => (bool) env('ENABLE_FULL_NAME', false),
// Show a users first name and last name instead of username
'display_full_name' => env('DISPLAY_FULL_NAME', false)
&& env('ENABLE_USER_NAME', false),
&& env('ENABLE_FULL_NAME', false),
// Enable displaying the pronoun fields
'enable_pronoun' => (bool) env('ENABLE_PRONOUN', true),
// Enables the planned arrival/leave date
// Enable the planned arrival/leave date
'enable_planned_arrival' => (bool) env('ENABLE_PLANNED_ARRIVAL', true),
// Whether force active should be enabled
'enable_force_active' => (bool) env('ENABLE_FORCE_ACTIVE', true),
// Allow users with sufficient permission to add worklogs for themselves
'enable_self_worklog' => (bool) env('ENABLE_SELF_WORKLOG', true),
// Resembles the Goodie Type. There are three options:
// 'none' => no goodie at all
// 'goodie' => a goodie which has no sizing options
// 'tshirt' => goodie that is called tshirt and has sizing options
'goodie_type' => env('GOODIE_TYPE', 'goodie'),
// Enables the food voucher in the user profile
// Enable (food) vouchers
'enable_voucher' => (bool) env('ENABLE_VOUCHER', true),
// Number of shifts to freeload until angel is locked for shift signup.
// Number of shifts to freeload until a user is locked from shift signup.
'max_freeloadable_shifts' => env('MAX_FREELOADABLE_SHIFTS', 2),
// Hide columns in backend user view. Possible values are any sortable parameters of the table.
@ -333,11 +361,12 @@ return [
// Local timezone
'timezone' => env('TIMEZONE', 'Europe/Berlin'),
// Multiply 'night shifts' and freeloaded shifts (start or end between 2 and 6 exclusive) by 2
// Multiply 'night shifts' and freeloaded shifts (start or end between 2 and 8 exclusive) by 2 in goodie score
// Goodies must be enabled to use this feature
'night_shifts' => [
'enabled' => (bool) env('NIGHT_SHIFTS', true), // Disable to weigh every shift the same
'start' => env('NIGHT_SHIFTS_START', 2),
'end' => env('NIGHT_SHIFTS_END', 6),
'start' => env('NIGHT_SHIFTS_START', 2), // Starting from hour
'end' => env('NIGHT_SHIFTS_END', 8), // Ends at (without including) hour
'multiplier' => env('NIGHT_SHIFTS_MULTIPLIER', 2),
@ -347,27 +376,30 @@ return [
'shifts_per_voucher' => env('SHIFTS_PER_VOUCHER', 0),
'hours_per_voucher' => env('HOURS_PER_VOUCHER', 2),
// 'Y-m-d' formatted
'voucher_start' => env('VOUCHER_START', null) ?: null,
'voucher_start' => env('VOUCHER_START') ?: null,
// Enable Driving License
'driving_license_enabled' => (bool) env('DRIVING_LICENSE_ENABLED', true),
# Instruction in accordance with § 43 Para. 1 of the German Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
'ifsg_enabled' => (bool) env('IFSG_ENABLED', false),
# Instruction only onsite in accordance with § 43 Para. 1 of the German Infection Protection Act (IfSG)
'ifsg_light_enabled' => (bool) env('IFSG_LIGHT_ENABLED', false)
&& env('IFSG_ENABLED', false),
'ifsg_light_enabled' => env('IFSG_LIGHT_ENABLED', false) && env('IFSG_ENABLED', false),
// Available locales in /resources/lang/
// To disable a locale in the config.php, you can set its value to null
// To disable a locale in config.php, you can set its value to null
'locales' => [
'de_DE' => 'Deutsch',
'en_US' => 'English',
// The default locale to use
'default_locale' => env('DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'de_DE'),
'default_locale' => env('DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'en_US'),
// Available T-Shirt sizes
// To disable a t-shirt size in the config.php, you can set its value to null
// To disable a t-shirt size in config.php, you can set its value to null
'tshirt_sizes' => [
'S' => 'Small Straight-Cut',
'S-F' => 'Small Fitted-Cut',
@ -382,11 +414,14 @@ return [
'4XL' => '4XLarge Straight-Cut',
// T-shirt Size-Guide link
'tshirt_link' => env('TSHIRT_LINK'),
// Whether to show the current day of the event (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2…) in footer and on the dashboard.
// The event start date has to be set for it to appear.
'enable_show_day_of_event' => false,
'enable_day_of_event' => (bool) env('ENABLE_DAY_OF_EVENT', false),
// If true there will be a day 0 (-1, 0, 1…). If false there won't (-1, 1…)
'event_has_day0' => true,
'event_has_day0' => (bool) env('EVENT_HAS_DAY0', true),
'metrics' => [
// User work buckets in seconds
@ -417,7 +452,7 @@ return [
// Add additional headers
'add_headers' => (bool) env('ADD_HEADERS', true),
// Predefined headers
// To disable a header in the config.php, you can set its value to null
// To disable a header in config.php, you can set its value to null
'headers' => [
'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff',
'X-Frame-Options' => 'sameorigin',
