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Save the Date!

On July 6, 2024, the 3rd Day of Digital Freedom will take place in Tübingen.

The Tübingen Day of Digital Freedom is an open Chaos community event. The event is not only aimed at nerds, but also at everyone interested in a life of freedom and self-determination. To this end, we want to give you the tools for self-empowerment in the form of workshops and presentations. But you are also welcome to come just to hang-out, have conversations with others, and take a look at the blinky things.

All Creatures Welcome.


Be part of the event by contributing your own part. Click on "Participate" to learn more…


Bring your projects and experience the unique charm that arises when people work together! Those who have already visited CCC events know exactly what we're talking about. We provide free and suitable spaces so that you can organize your assembly on site.

What is an assembly? The term has many meanings like "construction", but also "gathering". It can be an oversized interactive art object, or a creative invention that fits in your pocket. But it can also be a group of people meeting on site and pursuing their passion.


The Tübingen Day of Digital Freedom is initiated and organized by the ChaosTreff Tübingen (CTT). The ChaosTreff is a registered association and is closely related to the Chaos Computer Club e.V. The members regularly meet to exchange ideas and work together on technical, digital, cultural, and social issues.

More information and dates at cttue.de.