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< title > 3. Tübingen Day of Digital Freedom< / title >
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< h2 > 3. Day of Digital Freedom 2024< / h2 >
< p > On July 6, 2024, the 3rd Day of Digital Freedom took place in Tübingen's Westspitze. It was organized by
< a href = "https://cttue.de/" > Chaostreff Tübingen e.V.< / a > Thanks to the support of many < a
href="participate.html">helping hands< / a > and financial
supporters, a fabulous event took place. Over 250 visitors were able to experience a < a href = "schedule.html" > diverse program< / a >
across four floors and six venues.< / p >
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< h2 > Impressions< / h2 >
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< h2 > TDF on the Radio< / h2 >
< p > A highlight of the Day of Digital Freedom 2024 was the "Broadcast Center". Here, Freies Radio Wüste Welle broadcasted a live program parallel to the event. Interviews with participants and organizers were also conducted.< / p >
< p > The "Best Of from the Day of Digital Freedom 2024" can be listened to here:< / p >
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< a href = "https://www.wueste-welle.de/redaktion/view/id/25/tab/weblog/article/96389/Best_Of_vom_Tag_der_Digitalen_Freiheit_2024.html" class = "button" > To the Interviews…< / a >
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